Your Total Event
STRANGE file in the Documents Collection
Society of Genealogists, London
From Ed Hanson 17 Oct 2004
Yesterday, I spent some time at the Society of Genealogists in London, where they have a large collection simply called the "Document Collection."  It comprises of miscellaneous bits and pieces donated over the years, sometimes a typed family tree, handwritten notes, and often original family documents.  I checked the two envelopes marked "Strange" and came up with the following list.  Most of the items below are simply noted by title, although I did transcribe a few of them.  I was particularly interested in the wills of Joseph Strange of Kensington (1682) and John Strange, citizen and Merchant Taylor of London (also 1682).  They appear to be father and son.  John was particularly prolific and mentioned (although not by name) that he had 24 children and 35 grandchildren!  The names (at least some of them) seem to match up with the John Strange who married at Appleford, Berks, in 1618, and had nine children recorded in the Sutton Courtenary baptismal registers between 1619 and 1635.

Abstracts of Strange Wills
John Straunge of Chesterton, Glocs, gent, 1559 (PCC Mellershe 30)
Robert Straunge of Cisceter, Glos, esq., 1586/7 (PCC Rutland 5)
Thomas Straunge of Chesterton, Ciceter, Glos, gent, 1593/4(PCC Dixy 43)
Anthonie Straunge of Chesterton, Glos, gent, 1596 (PCC Drake 59)
Richard Strange of Donington, Glos, gent, 1608 (PCC Dorset 15)
Helene Strainge of Chesterton, Cirencester, Glos, widoow, 1609/10 (PCC Wingfield 64)
John Straunge of Broade Blundesdon, Wilts, 1610 (PCC Wingfield 88)
Michaell Straunge of Somerford Keyns, Wilts, esq., 1613 (PCC Capell 106)
John Strange of Stanton Barnard, 1627 (PCC  Barrington 49)
Anne Strange of Chesterton, Glos, widow, 1624 (PCC Ridley 70)
Robert Straunge of Somerford Keynes, Wilts, 1630 (PCC St. John 42)
Strange of Cirencester and Somerford Keynes


Abstracts of Strange Wills in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
John Strainge of Lechlade, Gloucs, yeoman, 1766 (PCC Taverner 235)
Anthony Strange of Siston, Glos, yeoman, 1630 (PCC StJohn 70)
Jane Strange of Wilts, widow, 1638 (PCC Harvey 77)
Thomas Strange of Ashton Keyns, Wilts, glover, 1641 (PCC Evelyn 101)
Walter Straigne of Abston, Glos, yeoman, 1651/2 (PCC Bowyer 44)
William Strainge of Broad Blunsdon, Wilts, husbandman, 1649/50 (PCC Pell 259)
William Strainge of Stanton, Wilts, yeoman, 1657 (PCC Nabbs 67)
Edmund Strainge of Broad Blunsdon, Highworth, Wilts, yeoman, 1663 (PCC Juxon 148)


The Will of Charles John Strange (PPR/1863/241)

This is the last Will and Testament of me Charles John Strange now of No 2 Chesham Place Belgrave Square in the County of Middlesex a Major in Her Majesty's Royal Regiment of Artillery about to proceed on service to Corfu I appoint my dear wife Emma Brownville and my brother James Newburgh Strange a Captain in the Royal Navy Executors  I give all my household furniture pictures prints plate linen china glass books jewels trinkets horses carriages wines consumable provisions and all my personal estate (except the property settled by me on my Marriage and comprised in my marriage settlement dated 25 July 1859) and designated the "First Trust Fund") unto my dear wife Emma Brownville subject to the payment of my debts and funeral expences And in the event of there being no issue of my wife who shall attain a vested interest in the "First Trust Fund" I appoint the same (subject to my wife's life interest) in manner following I bequeath to Letitia the daughter of my cousin Britiffe Skottowe Esquire £100 and the residue thereof I give two seventh parts to my brother James Newburgh Strange and two sevenths parts to my nephew James Douglas Strange a Lieutenant in the Royal Artillery and all the rest of the "First Trust Fund" I give to my dear Sister Anne Strange absolutely
Dated 27 July 1859.  C.J. Strange, Major R. Army
Witnesses: Charles Oaker, Radleys Hotel, Southampton   Louis Schick, Radleys Hotel, Southn.2 April 8163 - Charles Oaker of the Town and County of Southampton Waiter swears the he and Louis Schick witnessed the signing of the will together

10 April 1863 The Probate Grant of Charles John Strange formerly of 2 Chesham-place Belgrave-square in the County of Middlesex but late of Nea House Christchurch in the County of Southampton Major in Her Majesty's Army who died 26 January 1863 at Shirley in the county of Surrey was proved at the Principal Registry by Emma Brownville Strange of Nea House Widow the Relict and James Newburgh Strange of 3 Beresford-place Southsea in the County of Southampton Captain in the Royal Navy the Brother the Executors.  Effects under £800.


Abstract of Strange Wills
Thomas Strange of Ashtonkeyns, Wilts, glover, 1641 (PCC Evelyn 101)
Robert Strange of Hankertowne, 1653/4 (PCC original will)
Joseph Strange of Kensington, Middx, esq., 1658 POCC Wootton 561) [see below]
John Strainge, citizen and Merchant Taylor of London, 1658 (PCC Pell 97) [see below]


The Will of  Joseph Strange of Kensington, Middx, esq., 1658

I Joseph Strange of Kensington in the Countie of Middlesex Esquire being att present verie sicke in Bodie make my will First my desire is my Bodie may be interred neare unto my former wife I give to Elianor my deare and loving wife over and above her joynture £400 Also I give unto her the lease of my house att Kensington wherein I now dwell with all the furniture and housholdstuffe therein except the wrought bedd with a Cahine of pearle and a ringe with sevearll dyamonds wch I give to my daughter Sarah  Alsoe I give unto my dear Father John Strange the yearly summe of £40 during his life And in case my Mother in Law his now wife shall survive him I give unto her the yearely summe of £24 duringe her life Provided my Father give my Executors a discharge for the £60 I gave his wife a note for Alsoe I give unto my Sister Lettice Straigne £150 to be paid her six moneths after her mariage And in Case my brother Nathaniel Strange shall marrie att anie time Then my will is my Executors pay her £50 Alsoe I give unto my Nephew Joseph Strange sonne of my Brother John Strainge the yearely summe of £10 towards his education until he is 21 Provided he behave to the good liking of my Executors  Alsoe I give unto my Sister in Lawe Mistris Joane Wood £4 to buy her a peece of plate  Alsoe I give unto my good freind Mistris Symons £5 to buy her a peece of plate I give unto my Father in Lawe Doctor Humphrie Chambers my sorrill Mare Alsoe I give unto my Brother John Smith my Colt of the Sorrell Mare Provided he pay the Charge of keeping him Alsoe I give to the Children of my brother Captain Ralph Gale £10 a peece to be paid at their respective ages of 21  Alsoe I give to the poore of the Congregation whereof I am a member £20 to be paid within fower yeares after my decease by £5 ayeare and to be distributed at the discretion of Master John Sympson and Master Palmer  Alsoe I give to the poore of Kensington £5 To the poore of Glascow in Scotland £10 to be distributed att the discretion of Master Galespy and Master Gustons To the poore of Edenborough £ to be distributed at the discretion of the Lord Warreson Alsoe to the porre of Abington in Berkshire £5  Alsoe to the porre of Sutton Courtney in Berkshire £5  Alsoe I give unto my Executors £100 to be given to the poore of severall Towns within Seaven yeares after my decease wherein my mind is there shall not be above £5 att anie one tyme given to the poore of anie one towne whereof I give to Master Torington sonnoe of John Torrington now a scholler att Cambridge £5 And I give unto my Executors the rents and profitts of my Lands and tenements and my Fee Farme Rents untill my sonne Joseph Strange shall come to 21 and therewith and with my Personal Estate to pay my Debts and legacies And with the Overplus to make up my daughter Sarahs portion £1500 And then if anie Overplus shall be to accompt for the same to my sonne Joseph I make Doctor Humphrie Chambers Master thomas Seaman and Master Nathaniel Strange my Executors and desire Master Laurance Steele Master Tho: Symonds Master John Smith and Mr Anthonie Wood to be Overseers
Dated 30 August 1658 - Jos: Strange Witnesses: Eliz: Tapp  Ro: Blaney
Proved 28 October 1658 by doctor Humphire Chambers and Nathaniell  Straigne Two of the Executors Power reserved to Thomas Seaman the other Executor


The Will of  John Strainge, citizen and Merchant Taylor of London, 1658

24 April 1658 I John Strainge Cittizen and Merchantaylor of London doe make my Will First I commend my Soule unto the hands of Almightie God my Bodie I committ to the Earth to be buryed in the Churchyard belonging to the Parish Church of Purley in the Countie of Essex I give to my sonn Christopher Strainge £100 for defraying the Charges of my fuenrall mourning expences I give unto Margarett my loving wife my Messuage called the Rose and Pungrannett in Fryday Streete in the parish of St Mathewe in London with all lights and Easements belonging to the same  Alsoe I give unto my wife my messuage in Hackney in the countie of Middlesex and all my lease terme in the same Item I give unto my Wife all my household goods Implements and Utensills of houshold plate appaarell both Linnen and Woollen brasse pewter and Commodities in or belonging to the aforementioned houses And for my monies stock Commodities in or belonging to the aforementioned houses And for my monies stock and Estate which I have in Partnershipp with my sonnes in Lawe Joseph Harris and Giles Rawlins amounting to £4855.14.0 I give as followeth I give to my wife £1000 and I give to my sonne Benjamin £1000 and to my sonn Nathaniel £1000 To be paid att their respective ages of 21 but if either die before such age Then th eportion of him that shall die shall goe to the survivor but if they both die Then the £2000 sall goe to my wife Item I give unto my Fower and twenty sonns and daughters £5 a peece for mournign I give unto my Five and thirty Grandchildren Fortie Shillings a peece for mourning And I declare I have settled upon my sonne John Strainge £60 per annum during his life to beginn at my death and payable by my Cozen John Strainge upon a Judgment of £800  Now I give my sonne John Strainge £200 in lieu of all Clayme to my Goods by the Custome of London I give to my sonn Joseph Harris £100 to take his brother Benjamin Apprentice for the remainder of the Terme of his apprenticeshipp  Item I give unto my Wife for mourning £5 And to my two Men Servants and fower Maid Servants £4 a peece to buy each of them mourning  Item I appoynte £100 to be paid to the Companie of Marchantaylors whereof I am a Member in payment of all dues I owe them And I appoynte £300 to be paid to the Towne of Malborowe in the countie of Wilts in full of all debts I owe them  Item I appoynte £500 to be paid unto Master David Utcher which I owe him by bond  Item I appoynte £300 to be paid to my sonne Jacob Strainge wch I owe him by bond And I give unto Saint Bartholomew Hospitall London £20 and I Give to John Horker Porter £2.14.0  The rest of my Goods I give to my Wife whome I make Executrix And I make my two sonns in Lawe Joseph Harris and Giles Rawlins Overseers --
John Strainge
Wtinesses: Joseph Saxton  Phllip Cawn
Proved 19 February 1658/9 by Margarett Strainge the Relict and sole Executrix named


Robert Strange, the First Squire of Somerford, by Geoffrey Gibbon, sometime Vicar of Somerford Keynes.  London, 1974
Strange and Hungerford by Geoffrey Gibbon, sometime Vicar of Somerford Keynes.  London, 1974
Deposition by John Stead Stanley Marshall, solicitor of London, in the petition of Norman Heath Strange, Collingwood, Nelson, New Zealand. William Pirrie Heath Strange, an inmate of Springfield House, near Bedford, England, died at Springfield House, 10 May 1953.  never married, no children.  one brother and sister, Robert Gordon Strange and Mary Rose Strange, both predeceased him without issue.  That his father William Heath Strange died 28 Feb 1907.


The Will of Heath Heath Strange

Will of Heath Heath Strange of Belsize Avenue, Hampstead, Middx, doctor of medicine.  Wife Anna Jane Strange, and children (unnamed).  Signed 6 May 1892.  Codicil (17 Dec 1892) mentions bequest to Ida Strange and Norah Strange, the two unmarried daughters and John Strange, children of my late Brother John Clark Strange. 


Indenture between William Pirrie Heath Strange and Mary Rose Strange of 2 Belsize Avenue Hampstead in the County of London, spisnter, and Robert Gordon Strange of the same address, master of Surgery and Bachelor of Medicine.  5 April 1922  William Heath Strange, deceased, made will dated 6 May 1892 (died 28 Feb 1907), proved 11 April 1907.  Anna Jane Strange died 16 April 1919 leaving three children of her marriage with William Heath Strange, namely the vendor and the purchasers.  Schedule of property for WH Strange also included two pieces of land in Goring, Oxfordship


Strange of Siston and some family connections, by J. Goulstone


Deposition of Mary Rose Strange of 2 Belsize Avenue, Hampstead, spinster.  Patient is brother, William Pirrie Heath, age 50, inmate of Springfield House near Bedford (taken there 5 Sept 1899), formerly a scholar of Lincoln College, Oxford. Nearest other relative is brother Robert Gordon Strange, M.B. M.S.  Late grandfather, Prof. William Pirrie of Aberdeen


Probate for Mary Rose Strange of 2 Belsize Avenue, Hampstead, died unm London, 18 Oct 1943.  Probate to brother Robert Gordon Strange of the same address.


Solicitor's letter, 8 Dec 1949.  I have since Dr R. G. Strange's death ascertained that there are some cousins living, namely descendants of John Clark Strange deceased through his daughter Mary Kathleen Bird deceased (formerly Strange) [married A.J. Bird]


Robert Gordon Strange died December 29, 1947; buried Highgate Cemetery


Will of  Mary Strange of Streatley Cottage, Berkshire

This is the last Will and Testament of me Mary Strange of Streatley Cottage in the county of Berks Widow of the late Robert Strange Solicitor Devizes in the County of Wilts after the payment of all my just debts funeral and testamentary expences then I give and bequeath to three sons, John Clark Strange of Streatley, Berks and Highgate in Middx; Robert James Strange of Collingwood near Nelson New Zealand; and William Heath Strange of Streatley, Berks, student at St Thomas Hospital, London; and the three children of my beloved daughter the late Henrietta Louisa Elliott wife of John Julius Elliott of Stoke Newington.  Died 13 March 1864 at Streatley Cottage.