The following shows the distribution of the residency of STRANGE (not variants) across English counties in 1881 - the total is 3121. As you will see I have used the Chapman County Codes. The 'hotbeds' for the name were Berkshire, Surrey, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Middlesex; it might be instructive to repeat the exercise against "where born" - but that's a bigger job! |
County Order | Population Order | |||||||
CCC | County | No.of Entries | CCC | County | No.of Entries | |||
BFD | Bedfordshire | 20 | RUT | Rutland | 0 | |||
BKM | Buckinghamshire | 94 | WES | Westmoreland | 0 | |||
BRK | Berkshire | 204 | CUL | Cumberland | 1 | |||
CAM | Cambridgeshire | 23 | HUN | Huntingdonshire | 2 | |||
CHS | Cheshire | 51 | NBL | Northumberland | 3 | |||
CON | Cornwall | 6 | LIN | Lincolnshire | 4 | |||
CUL | Cumberland | 1 | NTT | Nottinghamshire | 5 | |||
DBY | Derbyshire | 60 | HEF | Hereford | 5 | |||
DEV | Devon | 16 | CON | Cornwall | 6 | |||
DOR | Dorset | 152 | NFK | Norfolk | 8 | |||
DUR | Durham | 14 | STS | Staffordshire | 9 | |||
ESS | Essex | 102 | DUR | Durham | 14 | |||
GLS | Gloucestershire | 299 | MON | Monmouth | 16 | |||
HAM | Hampshire | 143 | DEV | Devon | 16 | |||
HEF | Hereford | 5 | BDF | Bedfordshire | 20 | |||
HRT | Hertfordshire | 38 | NTH | Northamptonshire | 23 | |||
HUN | Huntingdonshire | 2 | CAM | Cambridgeshire | 23 | |||
KEN | Kent | 123 | LEI | Leicestershire | 30 | |||
LAN | Lancashire | 133 | YKS | Yorkshire | 35 | |||
LEI | Leicestershire | 30 | HRT | Hertfordshire | 38 | |||
LIN | Lincolnshire | 4 | WAR | Warwickshire | 40 | |||
MDX | Middlesex | 486 | SAL | Shropshire | 43 | |||
MON | Monmouth | 16 | WOR | Worcestershire | 47 | |||
NBL | Northumberland | 3 | CHS | Cheshire | 51 | |||
NFK | Norfolk | 8 | SFK | Suffolk | 53 | |||
NTH | Northamptonshire | 23 | SSX | Sussex | 56 | |||
NTT | Nottinghamshire | 5 | SOM | Somerset | 56 | |||
OXF | Oxfordshire | 112 | DBY | Derbyshire | 60 | |||
RUT | Rutland | 0 | BKM | Buckinghamshire | 94 | |||
SAL | Shropshire | 43 | ESS | Essex | 102 | |||
SFK | Suffolk | 53 | OXF | Oxfordshire | 112 | |||
SOM | Somerset | 56 | KEN | Kent | 123 | |||
SRY | Surrey | 296 | LAN | Lancashire | 133 | |||
SSX | Sussex | 56 | HAM | Hampshire | 143 | |||
STS | Staffordshire | 9 | DOR | Dorset | 152 | |||
WAR | Warwickshire | 40 | BRK | Berkshire | 204 | |||
WES | Westmorland | 0 | SRY | Surrey | 296 | |||
WIL | Wiltshire | 313 | GLS | Gloucestershire | 299 | |||
W0R | Worcestershire | 47 | WIL | Wiltshire | 313 | |||
YKS | Yorkshire | 35 | MDX | Middlesex | 486 | |||
Total: | 3121 |